Restoring a knife
I gave my first knife I ever made (you can read my hole story at "My Story") to a friend as birthday present. One year later, I decided to restore this knife as another birthday gift. With this, I was able to bring in my accumulated experience skills to make it way better than it had been.
How it looked like before restoring:

I first took off the handle scales:

Then I surface-ground the knife and polished the bevels with my Scotch-Brite belt:

I glued on the new handle scales:

And sanded the raw form of the handle on my belt grinder:

And after a while of hand sanding:

The knife was finished:

Now, to the knife sheath:
I cut the leather into the custom designed shape:

I dyed the inside and outside of the sheath:

I glued the sides together and stitched it tight with a saddlers stitch:

And punched the holes for stitching:

Then I glued up and riveted the belt loop:

After sanding and sealing up the edge, the sheath was finished:

The finished knife and sheath: